165 photos   7102 visits

0 FearlessAndForever _ FAKE

# Hey sweeties :) It's Paige x ]
I have a new fake , here ! :))
This is so so funny .. because I'm not a star ! =] But .. However .. It's just a child =] So ..
Please posin` me , dear ! :)
Get ur life ! =] I have my life and I'm happy ! :x

lol guys : Don't blv in FearlessAndForever :) She's so so fake ;))
You are so stupid :))
You are so stupid :))
Shut up :)
Shut up :)
xx Paige
xx Paige
Hahahah =]]
Hahahah =]]
Get out from my life =]
Get out from my life =]
Puppy dog eyes =]]]
Puppy dog eyes =]]]
Kiss ya Miles :)
Kiss ya Miles :)

Comments • 1

Zoe 20 April 2011  
I like her name.as I see she deleted her account. please delete this album because I'll make one account w/ her name..
I know you're real
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