165 photos   7105 visits

0 Friends _ Click ya babe x

Hello Guyssss :) It's Paige <3 I'm new here .. I wanna new friends :) I saw .. that here are so many sweet girls :) Aww <3 So .. What you think ? <3 Do you wanna be friends ? :) <3

P.S -- And for girls we can be besties <3
Sweet smile =)
Sweet smile =)
Saaay what ? O.o
Saaay what ? O.o
Hotel Room (:
Hotel Room (:
Glasses :)
Glasses :)
Green Guurl =)
Green Guurl =)
Buuuuuf x D
Buuuuuf x D
We heart you =]]
We heart you =]]
Let`s take a pic :)
Let`s take a pic :)
with Jenna :)
with Jenna :)
Bad guurl x ]
Bad guurl x ]

Comments • 1

Gabitza2010SmileyGirl 19 April 2011  
I wanna :) :D
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